Top 10 Items for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather together and give thanks for their many blessings. Preparing for the holiday can be stressful, however. It can also be stressful to have out-of-town visitors who need a place to sleep, food to eat for an entire weekend as well as a way to get to and from the airport. If you are traveling for Thanksgiving, the travel arrangements can be frustrating and hectic. These tips can help you get through the holiday with as little stress as possible, whether you are staying home or traveling.

1. Have Plenty of Appetizers

You may have planned a delicious dinner with turkey, stuffing and all the trimmings but you need to be sure people have plenty to eat throughout the day. A meat and cheese tray is an excellent option to keep your hungry guests satisfied until dinner is ready. Cheese and veggie trays are also a good idea for parade or football watching.
2. Provide Coffee and Tea

After the big meal, everyone may seem as if they are ready to nod off to sleep. This is because turkey contains tryptophan which can make you feel tired. In addition, a carb-loaded meal which is typical of most Thanksgiving dinners can lead to sleepiness. After dinner, while serving the pumpkin pie, be sure to offer your guests coffee and tea. This will help your guests fight off the feelings of sleepiness. If you live in an area where the weather is cold at Thanksgiving, coffee and tea will also warm them in preparation for the ride home.
3. Consider Having Dinner Delivered

Let’s face it, we live in a busy, hectic world and it is often difficult to take time off in the days prior to Thanksgiving to prepare that huge meal. You can relieve a considerable amount of stress by having your Thanksgiving dinner delivered. Even if you want to cook some portions of the dinner, you can still arrange to pick up some of the sides to relieve a little of the cooking duties.
4. Stock the Medicine Cabinet

Thanksgiving is not only a time for thankfulness and togetherness, it is also a time of celebration for families who may not see each other much during the year. This may lead to a few too many glasses of wine that lead to headache the next day. It could also lead to overindulgence on foods that may not agree with some stomachs. Stock the guest bedroom or bathroom with common over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, antacids, bandages and cold medicines that your guests may need while they are visiting.
5. Reserve Parking at the Airport

If you are the one traveling and you must travel by plane, you can reserve parking at your local airport. This will save you time when you depart as well as when you return. Some airport parking areas offer valet services as well. An attendant drives you from the lot to the departure gate and returns the car to the parking garage while you are gone. When you return, you call the parking garage, the attendant drives your car back to you, helps you load your bags and you drive away from the airport in your own vehicle.
7. Purchase Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is usually inexpensive but can be extremely beneficial should something go wrong just prior to or during your trip. If you or a family member becomes ill and cannot travel, the insurance will help you recover the cost of your trip. If you become ill or are injured during the trip, it offers medical services that may not be covered by your health insurance.
8. Stock the Wines and Spirits

Raising a toast to family is a tradition for many but you need to have the wine and spirits on hand in order to raise that toast. You don’t need to go too overboard but a variety of white and red wines as well as a bottle of rum, vodka, whisky or bourbon for those who like to enjoy a cocktail before or after dinner.
9. Provide Comfortable Sleeping Areas

Be sure that the bed in your spare room has a comfortable mattress as well as plenty of blankets and pillows. Instead of using air mattresses for overflow sleeping, consider cots or rollaway beds with firmer mattresses so your guests can get a better night’s sleep. You can also purchase mattress toppers that can be used for extra sleeping areas instead of uncomfortable air mattresses.
10. Protect Your Home While Traveling

If you plan to travel during the holiday season, you may benefit from installing a home security system. Even if you plan to remain home, a home security system can protect you and your family. Burglaries increase during the holidays and a home security system is one of the best ways to avoid becoming a victim. You can even purchase systems that allow you to monitor your home wherever you are with alerts being sent to your smartphone if something goes wrong.

Thanksgiving can be much less stressful and hectic just by following a few easy steps. Be sure to visit to sign up for discounts on all your Thanksgiving needs. There is never a membership fee and you can begin saving immediately.